What Do Your Blue Eyes Reveal?

What Is Iridology? Iridology is the study of your health via an examination of the iris, (coloured section of the eye) the sclera (white of the eye) and the structural aspects of the eye including the pupil (the black centre) the pupil border and collarette.

There are three true base colours recognised in iridology. These are:

  • Blue (lymphatic)
  • Brown (haematogenic)
  • Mixed (biliary)

Blue eyes (which occur due to the lack of melanin pigment) are associated with a Lymphatic Constitution.  With this type of constitution, the following systems are more predisposed to certain disorders.  

  • Lymphatic
  • Respiratory 
  • Urinary

The blue-eyed person is associated with the water constitution. In traditional Western medicine, these people were thought to have an excess of water, which lead to a greater tendency to catarrhal afflictions and fluid retention.  People with this eye pattern have a tendency toward lymphatic congestion and stagnation which contributes to fluid retention, inflammation and excess mucus or catarrh, and more respiratory disorders.  A weakness in the urinary system is also another inherent weakness of this constitution.

Therefore blue eyes would generally indicate:

  • Childhood ear, nose and throat complaints and various allergies.
  • An overactive lymphatic system, often with swollen glands.
  • Upper respiratory weakness including coughs, colds, post nasal drip, congestion in the lungs, increased risk of asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis.
  • Hyperacidity resulting in inflammatory conditions including arthritis and rheumatics.
  • Hardening of arteries is common in advancing age.
  • Stressed kidneys and bladder

Just some of the suggestions I would recommend for this type of constitution regarding diet and lifestyle are:

  • Minimising mucous forming foods which include dairy products (milk, cream, ice cream, cheese etc.), refined sugar and white flour products, and acidic foods and drinks as these also stimulate excessive mucus production. 
  • The daily diet should contain ✓Quality protein (plant-based, lean meat and fish), healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats. ✓ At least two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables a day. ✓ Omega-3 foods such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds and flaxseeds. ✓ Drink at least eight glasses of clear fluid daily (depending on your physical activity) this includes herbal teas  
  • Daily exercise in fresh air and sunshine is extremely important for this constitution.

    Excellent herbs to support the lymphatic system include calendula, burdock, cleavers, mullein, Oregon grape and echinacea.  Common mineral deficiencies associated with a lymphatic constitution can include iron, magnesium and calcium.

    Simply because a person belongs to a constitution, it does not mean they are limited to these problems - or will even manifest them.  Environmental, physical and emotional influences shape your susceptibilities to illness or health. It is all about what you do with what you get. 

    Would you like to find out more?

    Make a booking today for an iridology assessment and learn more about your iridology constitution and other iris markings to determine exactly which systems are the most inherently compromised. Once determined we can make appropriate nutritional, herbal and lifestyle recommendations to help strengthen, nurture and restore your health.

    Not your eye colour? Then be sure to watch for the next post on brown eyes.