Ever Wondered What Your Eyes Reveal About Your Health?

Iridology Assessments

Iridology is the study of health via an examination of the iris, (coloured section of the eye) the sclera (white of the eye) and the structural aspects of the eye including the pupil (the black centre) the pupil border and collarette. It is a safe, non-invasive method using a camera specifically designed for iridology.

Iridologists assess the variations of colour and fibre structure to assess the constitutional strength of your physical body, as well as aspects of the personality. Iridology is used to determine specific predispositions in order to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness.

How does this all work? Well, the iris of the eye is an extension of the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibres receive their impulses by way of connections to the optic nerve, optic thalami and spinal cord. The iris has been estimated to contain over 28,000 individual nerve fibres mingled with stromal fibres. These nerve fibres in the iris respond to changes in the body tissues, systems, and organs. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are present in the iris. 

If you are interested in learning about your constitutional type, main health complaints, health, dietary and lifestyle recommendations based on your iris why not have a professional, personalised Iridology Assessment conducted by Sharyn Bimrose – Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist and learn more about your inherited health patterns with Iridology.


Your Iridology Assessment starts with a quick and simple photo of each eye using a special Iridology camera. From there you will receive a professional customised report emailed or posted to you within three business days.

Your report contains a photo of each iris and information on your basic colour type, constitutional type (which is a combination of your inherent strengths and weaknesses), main complaints, health, dietary and lifestyle recommendations based on your iris. Also included (if applicable as not everybody has one) is your diathesis which identifies your potential to specific organ system problems.


You will receive all the information provided in the mini-assessment plus:

  • Basic signs - these are particularly useful in determining inherent issues and identifying areas needing special nurturing.
  • Collarette signs - these represent the nervous systems, digestion, tone, function and absorption of the intestinal tract.
  • Pupil and its border - these represent the spine, various organs, muscles and metabolic processes.
  • Sclera signs - these concern tissue integrity, the immune, hormonal, hepatic and nervous systems with an emphasis on the circulatory system. 
  • Head zone markings - these relate to your physical as well as your emotional characteristics. 

It is as easy as clicking here to book your customised report.

Can't make it to my practice for an Iridology Assessment, no problems, you can submit your own iris photo's by following these instructions.